preparing for your grad session.
Ever since 2016, I’ve visited 30 universities across the state of California. From NorCal to SoCal and schools in between. And throughout these years, I’ve made many mistakes, and I didn’t really prepare my grads adequately for their sessions. That said, I’ve learned so much and want to share this information with not only my own grads but with other photographers and students that are doing their own grad photos.
So, I decided to make this guide which has tips I’ve gathered throughout the years I’ve been a grad photographer. However, most of these are suggestions, so don’t take these tips as hard rules!
Tommy Trojan, University of Southern California
Get enough sleep and practice self-care. It’s important to get plenty of rest the day before your session and that your adequately hydrated, so you feel refreshed for your photos. Also, please be sure to eat something. You do not want to start your session on an empty stomach.
Give yourself enough time to get ready. Don't put off getting ready to the last minute. Prep as many things as you can the night before. Then, block off time the day of your session to do your makeup, hair and/or clothes as well as time for biking, driving, or taking public transportation to your campus.
Get there early. You do not want to rush to your session due to unexpected traffic or lack of parking. Getting there early also helps if you’re not too familiar with the location. This will give you some time to take it easy for a bit and relax right before your shoot.
Royce Hall, UCLA
Keep it simple! You're the focus of the photos. The main subject should be you — not your clothes.
Choose light colors and tones to contrast with your stole and robe. Graduation stoles and robes are typically darker and more intense with color, so it helps to have a lighter base.
Avoid plaid, polka dots, stripes and any imagery on your clothing.
If you want to wear bold colors, I recommend bringing it as your second outfit.
Please iron/steam and hang your clothes the day before to prevent wrinkles.
Do not wait until the day of your session to remove the stole from the package. It will have fold lines.
If you have your stole, I highly recommend actually wearing it with your clothes to see if it matches.
Doe Library, UC Berkeley
Footwear: If you decide to wear heels, please bring flip-flops. We’ll be walking around campus, and it will definitely help.
Makeup: A few days before your session, I recommend testing your makeup in natural light by facing a window and applying it. The light bouncing off your makeup changes the way it looks in photos compared to real life. So even if you want a subtle makeup look, you need to exaggerate it – that way it shows up stronger in photos.
Hair: Now is not the time to try something new. Choose a style that you're comfortable with (i.e., a hairstyle that you've done for a wedding).
Clothes: If you plan on wearing lightly colored clothing, your underwear needs to be lightly colored as well or it will be visible through your clothes. You don't necessarily need to wear a strapless bra (because the stole will cover it up), but it will definitely help!
UCR Sign, UC Riverside
Hair: Haircuts should be done a week or a few days before your session. Some guys don't like the way they look right after a haircut, which is why I recommend doing this. Also, don't try anything new and stick to something you're familiar with.
Facial hair: If you think your beard and/or mustache is a huge part of your personality, of course, you don't have to shave. But please, at least trim and groom up a bit.
Centennial Walk, UC Davis
You’re in a public space. Be aware that you’ll be outside in the open, and depending on the time of day, there will be other people getting their photos taken as well. That said, here are some things to be mindful of: Are you cool with getting close to each other? Are you ok with kissing in public?
These aren't questions you have to answer now, but something to keep in mind the closer your session is.Your partner may not be as enthusiastic as you. Most of the time one person is more excited about the photoshoot than the other person is. That’s totally fine, but be sure to communicate ahead of time what you’re both comfortable with vs. what you wouldn’t like to do.
Geisel Library, UC San Diego
Jewelry: Feel free to wear necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, etc. to complement your outfit.
Electronics: We’re going to walk a lot, but please leave your Fitbit or Apple Watch at home.
Glasses: If you wear glasses, they will glare. If possible, please remove the lenses. If anything, you can take them off.
Aldrich Park, UC Irvine
For my past sessions, most people don’t bring props (besides your school stole). But for the few that do, here’s what they brought:
Stoles and cords: Bring your basic one and other ones (if you have them – e.g., honors cords, club stoles).
Graduation cap with tassel: You can throw it in the air for an action shot.
Calligraphy board: Write a note to thank mom, dad, or whoever.
Textbooks: Maybe there's a book or two that you absolutely loved (or hated) for one of your classes.
Grad school gear: If you're going to grad school, it's an excellent way to showcase your transition.
Flowers: It’s much better to bring a bouquet rather than a single flower.
Champagne: If you’ve never popped champagne, I will give you specific instructions on how to pop.
Langsdorf Fountain, Cal State Fullerton
other things to bring.
Small towel or handkerchief: Because we'll be walking a lot, you will sweat.
Water: Be sure to keep yourself hydrated, especially if your campus is in a hotter area.
Hand mirror: This is optional. A mirror helps out much more than using selfie mode on your phone.
Your smile :)
Library, UC Santa Barbara
I primarily made this guide for my grads to prepare them for their graduation photo shoots. If you’re a photographer, you’re more than welcome to use this guide and adapt it for your own website.
location guides for your graduation photos.
Having trouble choosing locations for your photos? I made guides for some (but not all) of the schools I go to.