how to pop champagne for your graduation pics.
choosing a champagne bottle.
Most people think that that getting bottle with a cork is better than getting one that’s twist-off. Truth is, it doesn’t matter — either works fine!
Brand doesn’t matter either. Korbel, Cooks, and André are cheap options that you can find at the store.
However, if you are of age, I do recommend getting actual champagne rather than cider. From my experience, there tends to be more carbonation inside a champagne bottle compared to cider.
UC Davis
popping the bottle.
The very first thing I’ll mention is you’re actually not popping the bottle meaning that you shouldn’t shake the bottle before opening it. It’s a common misconception that the bottle will automatically pop when shaking it.
Remove the cork/cap from the bottle.
Cover the spout of the bottle with your thumb to keep the bubbles in.
Wait for your photographer. We need to make sure our camera settings are good to go before you actually start shaking.
Once ready, support the bottle from the bottom and leave a little bit of space between your thumb and the spout. Then you’ll shake as hard as you can until it starts spraying everywhere!
After there’s no more fizz left in the bottle, take some photos with the bottle. You can hold the bottle in air and if you have friends, you can clink bottles together.
That’s all there is to it. Hopefully your champagne “pop” turns out wonderfully!
UC Irvine